Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)

Overview of Activities

SUN has carried out diverse activities that can be summarized with four main categories abbreviated as "ACE": 

  Administrative, Academic, Cultural, and Expedition.  

Administrative Program
  • • General Assembly
Academic Programs
  • • Annual International Conference by IASS (International Association for Silk-Road Studies)
  • • Local Academic Conferences by Member Institutions of SUN 
  • • International Joint Research Projects Coordinated by the SUN Secretariat for Professors and Researchers of Member Institutions of SUN
Cultural Programs
  • PHOCOS (The Photo Contest of SUN) - An annual international photo contest for students of member institutions of SUN
  • WRICOS (The Writing Contest of SUN) - An annual international writing contest for students of member institutions of SUN
  • • S-DECOS (The Speech and Debate Contest of SUN) - An annual international speech and debate contest for students of member institutions of SUN
  • • MUCOS (The Musical Concert of SUN) - An annual international joint concert by SPO (Silkroadia Philharmonic Orchestra)
  • SRVF (The Silk-Road Video Festival of SUN) - An annual international video festival for students of member institutions of SUN
Expedition Programs
  • • The Land Silk Roads Expeditions
  •   - Expedition of the Chinese Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Central Asian Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Mongolian Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Persian Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Middle East Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Turkish Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Mediterranean Part of the Silk Roads
  •   - Expedition of the Russian Part of the Silk Roads
  • • The MaritIme Silk Roads Expeditions by Ship
  •   - Voyage 1: From Busan, Korea to Malaka, Malaysia (done in October 2017) 
  •   - Voyage 2: From Malaka, Malaysia to Muscat in Oman, Dubai in UAE or a port city in Iran (under planning)
  •   - Voyage 3: From Lisbon, Protugal to the final port city in Voyage 2 (under planning)


Annual General Assembly of SUN
To review SUN’s activities in the previous year and make necessary administrative decisions for the next year.
Heads and their spouses of member universities and institutions of SUN + Representative students(two) nominated by the Heads of universities.
Usually in August, but may vary upon request by the host institution
The city where the host institution is located
Annual Academic Conference of International Association for Silk Road Studies (IASS)
To bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers from the universities and other institutions from the countries along the Great Silk to discuss issues, tackle real challenges, find solutions and explore opportunities.
Professors and researchers in diverse fields of Silk Road related studies from the countries along the land or maritime Silk Roads.
Time &Venue Dec
Decided by the president of IASS in consultation with Secretary General of SUN
Annual Concert by the Silkroadia Phil-Harmonic Orchestra (SPO)

This organization was established as a cultural component of SUN, at the inaugural General Assembly in 2015. It is aimed at restoring the beauty of cultural diversities along the Silk Roads harmoniously through music.

Students of member universities majoring in Musical Instruments serve as members of this orchestra. Since the birth of this orchestra, a prominent Korean conductor Maestro Chi-Yong Chung, who is a professor of Korea National University of Arts has directed this orchestra. Once a year, students get together and perform regularly after a week of joint practice.

Students majoring in music at SUN member universities are recommended and chosen after a mandatory screening process to perform in the Silkroadia concert.
Time &Venue
To be decided jointly by the co-hosting organizations
Hosted by
SUN Silkroadia Phil-Harmonic Orchestra
Co-organized by
Korea National University of Arts and any member university of SUN sponsored by Gyeongsangbuk-do & SUN
International Joint Research for Having a Standard Map of Silk Road

This is a 5-year research project to be carried out jointly by a group of researchers recommended by the heads of member universities of SUN and nominated by the Secretary General of SUN. It aims to make a universal map of the Silk-roads without any political, cultural, racial, and religious bias. An international joint research team had convened its meeting at Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan in 2017 and it will continue its project in 2018.

PHOCOS: Photo Contest of SUN & Exhibition
Students from member universities of SUN
A variety of topics related to the Silk Road
Application Period & Prize
To be announced
Hosted by
SUN & United Students of Silk-road Universities Network (USSUN)
WRICOS: Writing Contest of SUN
Students from member universities of SUN
A variety of topics related to the Silk Road
Poems and short essays about Silk Road written in the writers’ own languages. Selected works will be translated into various languages by co-organizing universities of WRICOS.
Application Period & Prize
To be announced
Hosted by
SUN& United Students of the Silk-Road Universities Network (USSUN)
Expedition of the Maritime Silk Road by Ship for Members of SUN
University students from the Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN) in Asia, Europe, and Africa will be able to share the spirit of the Silk Road and strengthen their bonds as they walk along the land and sea routes of the old Silk Road and hold cultural exchange activities and volunteer activities on the places they went through.
Silk Road Students Festival
Exchange of Information, Ideas, Knowledge, and Culture among the students of member universities of SUN
during the General Assembly of SUN
Host University of the General Assembly of SUN
SRFF: The Silk Road Film Festival
Sharing the beauty of cultural diversities along the Silk Roads with documentary as well as entertainment films
During the General Assembly of SUN
Host University of the General Assembly of SUN