Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)
* 이름
* 이메일 주소

접수하신 내용에 대해 별도 안내가 필요한 경우 해당 이메일 주소로 회신을 드립니다.

* Attendance Status
* Title (e.g. Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
* Name
* Name of your university or other forms of organization:
* Position:
* Address:
* Nationality
* Phone Number(Including Country Code)
* What do you need from SUN for your participation in the 9th General Assembly of SUN?
Meal Preferences/Known Allergies of Food e.g. Halal/Vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian (Please specify.)
* Room Type Preference
* Passport Number
* Full Name (as in Passport)
* Copy of Passport
* Date of Arrival at Naples, Italy:
* Date of Leave from Naples, Italy:
* Upload the Portrait Photos of Yourself (color, 2x3, 1MB or above):
* Accompanying spouse
Name of Spouse (if your spouse will participate with you):
Upload the Portrait Photos of your spouse if accompanied: (color, 2x3, 1MB or above):
* How many students do you want to designate?
Student 1: Full Name
Student 1: Nationality
Student 1: Major
Student 2: Status
Student 1: e-mail
Student 1: Telephone
Student 2: Full Name
Student 2: Nationality
Student 2: Major
Student 2: Status
Student 2: e-mail
Student 2: Telephone
* 자동입력방지 코드
* 개인정보 처리방침
접수 내역