Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Samarkand International University of Technology(SIUT) joins SUN as a member university!

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-12-30 18:26:29 조회수 893

Warm greetings from SUN!


 We now announce that Samarkand International University of Technology(SIUT) joins Silk-Road Universities Network as a member university.

 Samarkand International University of Technology is created based on the following reason. Successful integration of Uzbekistan into the world economy requires the training of qualitatively new specialists with advanced engineering knowledge, creative thinking, and skills in creating and implementing innovative technologies. The key to solving this difficult task is the radical restructuring of the existing system of training engineering personnel based on international standards of technical education.


The Rector of SIUT is Dr. Yusuf Abdullaev.

Academic title: Professor
Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Ph. D)
Regarding awards, he acquired more than 15 orders and medals, and the distinguishing awards are the following:
Diploma "Ambassador of Friendship" (Republic of Korea)
Excellent worker of public education of Uzbekistan
Excellent worker of higher education of Uzbekistan


 The file named Introduction of Uzbekistan and SIUT has been sent from our fellow university, SIUT. It is attached to this article. Please check this document.


 Again, we appreciate that SIUT joins SUN as a member university and look forward to cooperating with you.


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