Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


The 3rd S-DECOS ( Speech- Debate Contest of SUN), 2021

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2021-09-16 16:09:54 조회수 983
  • Due to the prevalence of COVID-19, the contest is open to speeches only.


Theme – Students’ Perspectives in the Era of AI and Big Data: Opportunities & Challenges

(Applicants are highly encouraged to create their own topic under this theme)



How to participate -

Submit the recorded speech (in native language) via our official website ( along with the written manuscripts (in English and Native Language) or send it to

Duration of the Speech – 5- 10 min



Eligibility of participants –

Students of member universities (please refer to the member universities list on the homepage)and Non-member universities*

* There might be some limitations in terms of awards.


Submission Deadline – October 30th, 2021   


1st place (1 student) - Golda medal + certificate of award, and the invitation for the 8th General Assembly of SUN * with full supports.
2nd place (1 student) - Silver medal +certificate of the award and the Invitation (No financial supports)
3rd place (1-2 students) - Bronze medal + certificate of award
Special Selection (7 students) - The certificate of the award will be presented

An official certificate of participation will be presented to the rest of the participants.

* The 8th GA of SUN will be held at Canadian University Dubai in Dubai UAE from February 21 to 24, 2022.

For detailed information visit -

For inquiries -



Rules and the guidelines for the applicants

>. Applicants should be wearing an appropriate dress (consider this as an international and offline competition)

>. Applicants should not read their scripts but present as they would present before an actual audience.

>. Applicants must keep the speech time (should not be less than 5 min or more than 10 min)

>. All the speeches must be done in their native languages and should add English captions on the video before submitting the final work

>. All the speeches should be created by the applicants (plagiarism is strictly prohibited)

>. The speech contests must be relevant to the topic. An irrelevant contest would negatively impact applicants during the evaluation.


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