Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


WRITING CONTEST OF SUN, WRICOS 2021 is now open for entries.

작성자 관리자 날짜 2021-01-04 11:06:26 조회수 1103

Dear Students of Member Universities,

We are delighted to announce that the 5th Writing Contest of SUN, WRICOS 2021 has opened for application. Started in 2017, WRICOs has contributed to promote and share the values and beauty of cultural diversity, especially in languages across the land and maritime Silk Road areas. 



The theme of WRICOS 2021 is as follows: 

Poem: Song of "Silkroadia"
Description: Write the lyrics for the song of SUN, which contains the spirit of the Silk Roads (“Silkroadia”). 
“Silkroadia” is the spirit of SUN embracing the following ontology and epistemology:
Recognizing and acknowledging differences between individuals as a reason for celebration rather than segregation
Diversity is the beauty; a source of strength and vitality for human flourishing.
Pursuing peace and prosperity through mutual understanding, dialogue, and collective action
Restoring dignity and pride in human civilization.

Essay: What Can University and University Students Do for Peaceful Co-existence, Co-prosperity, and Sustainable Cultural Diversity Along the Silk Roads?



How to Participate: 

Please fill out the form on our website at

Each participant is to submit one poem or one short essay in their mother tongue.
The writing must be original. Participants found guilty will be held liable for committing plagiarism.
Length of writings: No more than 200 words for poems and 2000 words for essays writing Computer Software: Participants are expected to create their writings using a computer with any convenient writing software ( Must be submitted as MS Word file)


Submission Due: April 30, 2021


Prize & Privilege
Common privileges: certificate of awards, Eligible to participate in the 7th General Assembly of SUN. The winners' works are made into a brochure and each winner gets a brochure through the international post. Also, it will be exhibited as an e-book on the homepage.
Grand prize - an invitation to the 7th General Assembly of SUN and the award ceremony to be held at the National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia with full coverage of the cost for round-trip flights, accommodations (hotel, and meals), and the official culture tour by the organizer.

Excellence award The same as for Grand Prize mentioned above except that the recipients of this award are supposed to take care of the cost of flight by themselves.

Special Selection -The same as for the Award of Excellence mentioned above except that the organizer will provide only the official culture tour and meals for the recipients of this award.

Selection - Invitation to the award ceremony.


* Subject to change depending on the situation of COVID-19 and other unexpected events.

* For more inquiries, contact


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