Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Afghanistan - The Forgotten Heart of the Silk Road in Asia

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-11-29 17:29:22 조회수 1669

This is a summary of one of the articles from Webzine SILKROADIA VOL.4 NO.1. To read more, please download our Webzine and read "Afghanistan - The Forgotten Heart of the Silk Road in Asia" written by Spozhmai Salma Stanakzai.

The author begins the story with how humans have traveled the world for various reasons at different times. Sometimes they traveled for trade or to escape war or natural disaster. Or merely out of curiosity.  Regardless of the reasons, the author emphasized that the movement of people and goods along the Silk Roads promised to be one of the most dynamic and innovative drives in human history.

It is also notable that many of those travel routes pass through Ariana-Afghanistan, once full of nomads and many other travelers. According to the author, the trade and movement of people brought about the spread of knowledge and ideas into the regions far from where they originated.
It also facilitated the growth of worldwide prosperity while promoting harmony across the region.

In the 21st century, people all over the world were hoping to see the revival of its previous glory in the region. But the author points out that Afghanistan's former administration has fallen, while the Taliban is again in control of the nation. The same group destroyed the giant Buddha statues of Bamian, a jewel of Afghan national heritage and a major landmark on the Silk Roads in 2001.

In the article, the author discusses how to bring back the once beautiful and harmonious Afghanistan. She also talks about how to enhance global security, and how to increase the stability and economic prosperity of the region at the same time. The author also argues how to empower the Afghan people and reach out to the current administration from the perspective of international relations.
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