Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Dubai, a metropolis of trade, exchanges and mixtures, looks to the future as a global hub

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-10-04 11:29:52 조회수 480

두바이 여행에서 꼭 가야하는 7곳 :: 두바이 가볼만한곳 추천 - KKday Korea 공식 블로그

This is a short summary of the article "Dubai, a Metropolis of Trade, Exchanges and Mixtures, Looks to the Future as a Global Hub” from Webzine SILKROADIA VOL.3 NO.2. For more information, please download our Webzine.

In its role as a regional shopping center, Dubai aspires to be recognized as a metropolis and is stepping up efforts to achieve this. It is no longer seen as the result of excessive ambition with purely circumstantial success. But behind this success, the author questions the nature of this eventual metropolis: if Dubai is a metropolis, what kind is it? And in what capacity? All in all, it is currently still mostly a relay center for world trade.

Dubai seems to present an outstanding example of interactions between different cultures, bringing together human groups, 11 the vast majority of whom are “Eastern,” of which the city is geographically the meeting point.

The author thinks that if Dubai is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, it is also a human melting pot: the social and legal structure of the companies, the nature of the stay, and their strictly financial purposes encourage greater mixing between culturally close communities, thanks to very old exchanges and mixtures.

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