Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Cluj-Napoca, the Central City of Transylvania and UNTOLD Festival

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-09-27 00:15:09 조회수 477
Romania Tourism,


Here you can find a summary of one of the articles from our Webzine SILKROADIA VOL.4 NO.1. To find out more, please download the Webzine and refer to “Cluj-Napoca, the Central City of Transylvania and UNTOLD Festival” written by Jeong-o Park.


Cluj-Napoca is increasingly attracting tourists worldwide with its huge cultural events such as Transylvania International Film Festival and the UNTOLD Festival. The author guides the readers through the city's development in the article.


As appreciated by a number of trip advisors and mass media, the UNTOLD festival not only hosts talented artists but also presents the journey of the city to a new cultural center of Transylvania. The city's potential was also proven throughout the event of Youth Capital 2015 while earning the title of "Europe's most hospital city" by the European Commission.


According to the author, the city also pulls new people from other cities in Europe. Aside from fun events as above, Cluj promises better conditions as shown by its citizens' longer life expectancy compared to other major European cities such as London, Paris, and Milan. The residents' openness toward foreigners also contributes to the city's success. 


The author explains how the city of Cluj-Napoca has become one of the most appealing cities in Europe while introducing big social events such as the UNTOLD Festival. The readers can think about what makes cities attractive while imagining themselves having a great time in Cluj-Napoca with full of adventures, new people, and exciting music (and a tequila shot).




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