Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Road Initiative Under Challenge to Overcome Conflicts

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-09-26 23:08:32 조회수 458

Here you can find a summary of one of the articles from our Webzine SILKROADIA VOL.4 NO.1. To find out more, please download the Webzine and refer to “Road Initiative Under Challenge to Overcome Conflicts” written by Alina Ivanova.


The author introduces the heated discussions over China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its double-edged effects across the world. As noted by many, the BRI has brought forward changes and opportunities for recipient countries. On the other hand, many experts raise their concerns over developing countries in a debt trap.


The BRI was introduced to the international society in 2013 by Chinese president Xi Jinping. This new project was proudly presented as a huge economic opportunity for emerging countries.


However, the author discusses the chilling events that let down many people in developing countries. Kyrgyzstan, for example, ended up in a situation where the country owes 40% of its national debt to the Export-Import Bank of China, which is equivalent to 5 billion dollars. The author points out that the high level of debt could be related to a ‘dept-trap diplomacy’ that was warned by many experts beforehand.


Unfortunately, these sorts of incidents become more prevalent in other countries as well. Consequently, this approach to emerging countries left many people in anger and despair. According to the recent opinion survey in Kazakhstan, for instance, 45% of the people showed negative opinions toward China in Fall 2021, which was an all-time high.


The author suggests that the BRI should be equipped with a better understanding of the region's problem of corruption and the respect of recipient countries and the people's welfare. The author also emphasizes that the BRI has still much room left for future successes if it puts more effort into transparency.



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