Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Yogurt: A Healthy Food Popular on the Silk Roads

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-09-20 16:15:51 조회수 528


A Healthy Food Popular on the Silk Roads

Yogurt, also spelled yoghurt or yoghourt, has an interesting, yet somewhat mysterious history. While we are unsure exactly where the actual food originated from, it is believed that it was invented in Mesopotamia around 5000 BCE.

The word itself is assumed to be originated from Turkish word “rog” which means ‘condense’. As its ingredient, not only the milk of a cow but also of water buffalo, goats, camels and yaks are used.

This epic food has been with us throughout the history, throughout the Silk Road. Various records, such as Indian scripts, Mathews, and Genghis Khan, say that it was key food of long life and braveness of men. When it was brought to Europe, it was once considered as a medicine to treat diarrhea.

Throughout history and in various dimensions, this great food has been very popular in many regions. To get more information regarding epic food yogurt, don’t hesitate to click the link below.


@2022 Jeong-won Yoon All Rights Served

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