Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


The Mongols and the Silk Roads

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-09-20 16:11:12 조회수 494

The Mongols and the Silk Roads

Today, exports and imports take one-third of the global GDP based on the broad global network. This modern economic achievement is the product of human learning through the long history of the Silk Road. Especially, the old empire of Mongols and other states played important roles in the intercontinental connection and trade.

The Silk Road was not created by the Mongols, but it thrived under their leadership on an unprecedented scale, with intensified cultural and commercial contact throughout the Afro-Eurasian landmass. The safety of merchants was at the center of Mongol imperialism. Chinggis Khan and his descendants assigned patrols along trade routes and compensated the losses of merchants whose merchandise was either stolen or simply lost. Along the road, merchants were perfectly safe. As a result, Mongolians got a lot of booty and riches. Through its well-designed system and wealthy, Mongolians established a vast network of postal stations that connects from Korea and across Central Asia to Eastern Europe.

This great achievement might not happen if there was no willingness of Mongolians to adopt new ideas and practices. They did not destroy the cultures of others. Instead, they learned and produced various things along the vast network. This benefited not only Mongolians themselves but also their trade partners. These kinds of achievements have become the base of modern global network and economic integration.

@2022 Enerelt Enkhbold All Rights Served

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